Manage Property

How to Operate siteMinder From Your PMS Software


  • Set Up and Manage Room Types.
  • Set Up and Manage Rates and Availability.

Set Up and Manage Room Types


  • Create a new room type.
  • Add rooms to room type.

Create a new Room type

Room types represent the type of accommodation available to your guests. To create one for your own property, please follow the below steps –

To create a new room type-

  1. Open this URL in your browser https://app/ 
  2. Enter your Username,  Password and click on Sign In.



      3.     Click on Manage Property module



4.   This  will navigate you to the Manage Property page. Click on the “Add Room Type”  button and a Room Details page will appear.


Fill the form-

  • Name of the room – write the name of the room type you want to create.
  • Number of Person (Min)  – the minimum  number of people who can stay in the room.
  • Number of Person (max) – the maximum number of people who can stay in the room.
  • Number of Rooms – how many rooms are there in your property of this room type.
  • Room only price – the standard room price of this room type.
  • HSN code – it means “Hotel Short Name”.
  • Description – write and describe something about the room type
  • Room facilities – here a list of room facilities type are present check the facilities that you want to add to this room type.


                   For example-    Click on the checkbox and checked which facility you want to add

  • Click on the Create button 


      Your new room type will now appear in the Manage Property page.

Add Rooms to your newly created room type

  1. Click on the three dots symbol of that newly created room type
  2. A popup window will appear with two options: upload image and Add room. To “Upload Image” for that room type click on upload image and to add rooms in simple if you want to create room for that particular room type click on “Add Room”.
  3. Another Pop window will appear named as “Add Room” this window has some dropdown list and text fields and buttons.
  • Choose the room type from the “choose room” dropdown list.all the existing and newly created room types are listed here. After selecting the room type click on it.
  • Choose the floor ,where your room type is located in your property from the choose floor dropdown and click on it.
  • Enter room number and room sequence no. both should be equal.
  • In Description write some notes or describe some points about that room.
  • Enter the number of beds, bed type and write a description about bed.
  • Click on the create button to create a room of the room type you had chosen with all the details that you have entered just now.


             A new Room has been created under the room type that you had chosen.


Set up and Manage Rates and Availability


  • Add Inventory
  • Update Inventory
  • Create Plan
  • Add or Update Plan
  • Restriction

Add Inventory

What is the purpose of the “Add Inventory” feature ?

  • After creating a room type in your PMS software. we need to physically make available that particular room type in your PMS software for One year.
  • We can again update the inventory for another One year and so on.


How to Add Inventory

  • Open the Url in your browser and enter all the login credentials and click on login.
  • Click on the Manage Property module and go to that particular room type, which inventory we want to add.


  • Click on the Details button    and go to “Rates And Availability” section and click on it.


  • Click on the “Add Inventory” button.                             
  • A Pop window will appear named as Create Rate
  • Here we have to set the inventory for 1 year by dividing the whole year in four parts .Each part contains 3 months.


  • Click on the create button.

Update Inventory

   What is the purpose of the “Update Inventory” button ?

  • This feature gives us the ability to manage our inventory from any date to any date. In simple words –

If we have 20 rooms in our inventory and we want only 10 rooms out of 20 to be useful for our customer and make the other 10 disable or we can change those to any other room type from Room Management.


How to use Update Inventory

  1. Open the url in your browser and enter all the login credentials and click on the login button.
  2. Click on the Manage Property module and go to the particular room type ,which inventory you want to update and click on the details button of that room type.
  3. Go to the “Rates and Availability” section under the Room Details page and click on it.
  4. A Pop window will appear named as Update Inventory.

5.Here we can set the rates and availability of any chosen room type from any date to any date.By entering for how many rooms if want to update the inventory.

6.No. of rooms – For how many rooms we want to update the inventory.

7.Booked – how many rooms are booked for those specific dates

8.Available – how many rooms are available for those specific dates.

9.Hold – how many rooms we want to hold for those specific dates.

      10.Click on the Update button .

Create Plan

What is a Create Plan ?

  • To create a plan for any specific room type is called create plan. In simple words – After creating a room type and rooms for that particular room type. To sell those rooms to customers we need a plan for that room type ,this plan consists of many things like room standard price, pricing of every room, facilities that are going to be available for that room type along with the room services.


How to Create Plan for any Room Type

  1. Open the url in your browser and enter all the login credentials and click on the login button.
  2. Go to the Manage Property module and click on it .
  3. Go to that particular room type, for which you want to create a plan and click on the details button of that room type.
  4. Click on the Plan Details section under Room Details page and click on the Create Plan button



5.  It will open a Pop window named as Create Plan .This page consists of many text fields and      

      dropdown lists and checkboxes                

6.Code – enter a code of this plan to identify it differently from other plans present under the room type that we have selected.

7.Name – enter a name for the plan that we are creating.

8.Description – write your thoughts about the plan.

9.Minimum Occupancy – if someone chooses this plan. Then what is the minimum no. of person ,for whom this plan is applicable.  

10.Maximum Occupancy –   maximum no. of people, for whom this plan is applicable.

                                   ** In simple words – if the room plan is 2000 and the minimum occupancy is 1 ,then that  

                                       a person will charge only 2000 for that room type.But if the maximum occupancy is 4,

                                       if a person chooses that plan and “ 0 < people <= maximum occupancy ” even then

                                       they will be charged the same as one person. **

11.Extra Charge Per Person – if a group of people come and the no. of persons are more than maximum occupancy. The charge per person, enter here.

                     12.No. of Children – enter the no. of child allowed under this plan for that room type.

13. Extra Charge Per Child [3 – 5 years ] –       the extra amount that we charged for a child in between 3 to 5 years.

14.Extra charge Per Child – the extra amount that we charged for above 5 year old and below 18 year old child.

15.Week Days – select the days of a week ,for which you want to make this plan for your customer.

16.Effective Date – select the date from which this plan is available/start.

17.Expiry Date – select the date on which this plan will end and not available for customers.

18.Currency – It is a dropdown list of currency of different countries. Choose your country’s currency and select it.

19.Room standard price – this field will be automatically filed with the standard price of that room type.

20.Amount – In this text field we enter the amount for this plan.

21.Applicable to OTA – This is a toggle , by using this toggle button we can apply this plan to all OTA platforms ,which are connected with our PMS software.

22.One Day Trip – This is a toggle , by using this toggle button we can apply this plan only for the one day trip people.

23.Click on the create button.


                        A new Plan will be Created under this Room type

Add or Update Plan

   What is an Add or Update Plan ?

  • Sometimes based upon the property business and revenue. If the Manager or Owner changed the plans for their respective room types. This activity is called an Add or Update Plan.

How to use “Add or Update Plan” functionality ?

  1. Open this Url in your browser and enter all the login credentials and click on the login button.
  2.  Go to Manage Property and click on it.
  3. Select the room type ,which plan you want to update and click on the detail button of that room type.
  4. Go to the Rates and Availability section under the Room Details page and click on it.

  1. Click on the Add or Update button
  1. A Pop window will appear named as “Add Plan” .
  2. Click on Choose Plan dropdown list and select the plan that you want to update.
  3. Here we can only edit days of the week , from date , to date and amount of the plan.
  4. Click on the update button.

                                                   Your Plan will be Updated


What is Restriction ?

  • If we want to restrict the minimum number of day stays and maximum number of day stays under any plan. Restrict the arrival of people from any date to any date or restrict the departure of people from any date to any date. This restriction activity is called Restriction functionalities.

How to use this restriction functionality ?

  1. Open the url and enter all the login credentials and click on the login button.
  2. Go to the Manage Property module and click on it.
  3. Select the room type, upon whose plan you want to put restrictions.
  4. Click on the details button and go to the rates and availability section under the room details page and click on it.
  5. Click on the Add or Update button and then mouse over to the restriction radio button and click on it.
  6. Put restrictions as you want for that plan.

  1. Click on the update button.


Rates and Availability

What is Rates and Availability ?

  • To check the room availability and rates from any date to any desirable date and this functionality gives us the ability to change the room availability ,in simple words we can edit how many rooms are booked ,held or available for any date or for any date.


 How to use Rates and Availability ?

  1. Open the url and all the login credentials and click on the login button.
  2.  Go to rates and availability module and click on it.

3.Select dates from the “from date” and “to date” and click on the “find rates” button.


4. Choose any room type ,whose rates and availability you want to check for those specific dates you select in the beginning and click on it.

5. It will show you a figure of rates and availability like the below one.

This figure should also match with the room management figure.


  1. Click on the action button of any date and you will see the price, total room, booked, hold and available fields are in edit mode. So that we can manage our rates and
  1. availability from here as well and after update all the fields click on this icon to save the changes for that day.
  1. If you don’t want to update it ,then click on this icon