Business Registration

How to add OTA Plans?

Step1-create a plan 

step2-Fill the details 

Step3- After plan creation, there is an option for OTA Plan 

Step4-Add the OTA Plan the tariff should be of minimum Person which you want to show in the OTA and The Hotel Mate..

Step 15-  Go to Business Profile 

Set up the tax Details: In the attached image, you can set up the Tax.

i.Tax Type:

Tax type selection will depend on the property/business and how they set their tax. It can be set up as only GST or it can be set up as a segregation of GST as CGST, IGST, SGST. In the segregation of GST setup, businesses charge any two of them depending on the guest’s location of arrival and purpose of visit.

To set up the TAX 

Step 1-Go to service management 

step2-Tax page open 

Step3-add Tax Details of CGST,SGST, IGST

The setup of GST is shown in the Image 

If the room tariff is from 1 rupee to 7500 then the 12 % GST applies to the customer 

If the room tariff is from 7501 rupees & above then the 18% GST applies to the customer by the hotel

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