Business Registration

Room Onboarding(Accommodation Business)

Step 14Room Onboarding(Accommodation Business):

Room Type Setup:

Enter -Email id- and password from which has been registered.

[ (*) mark means the mandatory field ]

1.Name of The Room Type*
2.Description [It is better practise to fill up the “Description” or Select “Facility” or input both fields]*
3.No of Room* [How many rooms will be available under that room type]
4.Room Price* [Room only price]
5.Minimum Occupancy* [Min how many people can stay costing that “Room Price” mentioned above]
6.Maximum Occupancy* [Total how many people can accommodate in that room type ]
7.Select Facility [It is better practise to fill up the “Description” or Select “Facility” or input both fields]*

Room Setup:

[ (*) mark means the mandatory field ]

1.Select Room Type*
2.Choose Floor* [in which floor that room belongs]
3.Room No* [The Sequence number will be same as room number]
4.Description [If that room type already has some description then that description will auto-populate here]
5.No of Bed* [How many bed can be adjusted or arranged there]
6.Bed Type* [What kind of bed, like type of size of the bed(s)]
7.Bed Description

One by one setup all the rooms belong to a particular type.

Room Image:

Upload room images here, this is not mandatory but it is good practice to upload room images, and also can upload room images later. Room image ratio will be : 680*460 or 680*453.

After completing all room types setup, logout from the portal to finish the room onboarding part.


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